Monday, June 27, 2011

Vacation In San Diego

This past week my husband and I took a vacation to San Diego with his parents. It was a lovely chance to get away from the normal daily grind of work and the Iowa heat.  I took a lot of pictures up until the camera broke :-( That'll have to be replaced before our little girl makes her debut!

I'll do a more indepth update later, for now, just pictures.

Here was our hotel room and the view from its balcony (from the iPhone):

The first day we went to the San Diego Zoo:

the subtle difference in these two photos is the second man plugging his nose

Arna found this sign hilarious

Then we went to the beach:

A romantic surprise I created while Arna went to the bathroom to change into his suit

Discussing whether or not to was only 10 am and still pretty chilly.

The waves for too good to resist!


It started to warm up around 11am and I got in the water too. No pictures of me unfortunatly, Arna was too busy catching waves!

The water was so beautiful. The waves would churn up this gurgling swarms of sand that looked like gold dust.

Wipe out!

That day we had a blast, but we both got sunburned pretty badly. Me in stripes because I tried to use spray on sunscreen and failed miserably:

So we spent the following day mostly inside.

The day after that, we went to Balboa Park:

At the 3D movie in one of the museums

And then the camera broke right after taking this picture. Just poof...stopped functioning. So the rest are from my iphone and therefore kind of crappy:

We got back home on Saturday afternoon and caught up on some cuddles with our little Gracie cat:

She continues to use my belly as a pillow

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the pictures!! Especially the "Spray Range" picture!! I think someone in our office needs that posted on his door....hehe.

    The picture of Gracie resting on your tum tum is adorable. I will have to come visit her soon!! I miss her cuddles!
