Monday, October 10, 2011

Haircut Hades

I turned 24 on Saturday. To celebrate, I decided to get a haircut and a pedicure at a local salon. I had never been there before, but they had good reviews online and their prices were at par with some of the other spas in town so I assumed  I could go there and get a quality cut.

I came to the salon 20 minutes early and prepared. I always bring a picture of what I want. I have had this haircut before and I knew that it was easy to maintain. This was one of the goals of the cut since I'll have a newborn to take up most of my time here shortly.

When I met the woman who would be my stylist, something in my gut told me to run. Maybe it was her orange skin. Or perhaps it was the raccoon eyes she had going on. (Seriously, and I thought that I wore a lot of eyeliner). Who knows what it was, but I chose to ignore this instinct because I noticed that she too was pregnant, and a pregnant girl deserves a break on her physical presentation.

I sat down in her chair and showed her this picture:

I said I wanted the longest layer between my shoulder and my chin, and the shortest layer to be around my cheek bone. She seemed to understand and spun me around and started snipping away.

A few minutes later, she turned me around again and my heart sunk. What I saw, was a travesty. It was cut up to my chin (wet) and was chunky and uneven. The lines weren't blending and the back was longer than the front. It was in a word...disgusting.

I tried to work with her on it, asking if she could thin it out in the back so it wouldn't lay so heavy but everything she did made it worse. Finally, the manager noticed something was up and stepped in.

As the manager was working on my hair I heard her say, "You're right, there IS something weird going on with your scissors." To which my stylist replied, "Yeah, the middle piece fell off of them a week ago and I haven't been able to find it."

If there weren't scissors so close to my face I might have whipped around and slapped her. Instead I said..."So you cut my hair with broken scissors?"

Neither of the women responded. My blood was boiling at this point, but I didn't want to make it worse.

The manager took her time and eventually sheered away the clunky, chunky mess of a Tilda Swinton nightmare that my stylist had created and two and a half hours after I'd sat down, I ended up with this:

Not horrible, but not at all what I wanted and because of the trauma I'd endured, every time I looked at it, I saw this:

Next was the color. I was tense at this point but I tried to relax. After she applied the dye, I excused myself to the bathroom and spent five or ten minutes mopping up the globs that she'd left all over my face and neck. I was pissed. I watch Tabatha's Salon Takeover...I have standards.

Finally, after my hair was styled and dried, I canceled the pedicure and got the hell out of there. (Not before being charged full price might I add). I made it to the parking lot before a few tears fell.

I'm getting used to it but I'm still really upset. It was supposed to be a birthday treat and instead, it was a stressful nightmare! So if you live in my town, I would recommend you avoid The Look.

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