Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mopey Marissa

How does one pass the time when their significant other is gone? In my case I have tried to do the following:

1) Spend every evening with a friend

2) Between the time I get off of work and the time the friend arrives, I clean like a maniac

3) Wait until you are utterly exhausted to attempt to sleep

4) Leave a light on

5) Hug your cat a lot - probably more than she would prefer

One thing this separation has yielded is my first experience with Skype. I feel like such an old person being so giggly and fascinated by technology. When Arna and I have a Skype session it is all I can do to not mess around the whole time; slowly bring my head in and out of the frame, making funny faces, fixing my hair... It doesn’t help that we’re usually talking late at night, when I’ve washed off all of my make up and look like a total wreck.

And then I usually cry too. During the day I do ok - I just try not to think about it. But when I see his pixilated face on my screen, the water works start. I can’t help it. I’m pregnant.

Tomorrow after my last day of work, I am going “home” to see my family. I put home in quotations because they just recently moved to a nearby town of where we used to live. It’s going to be strange going to a new house. Me and Gracie will have a nice little road trip together and I get to have my first baby shower. At least that’s exciting!

Two days down and ten more to go.

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