Thursday, July 21, 2011

Preparing to be Lonesome

On Monday Arna is leaving for a Writing Conference in Sewanee, Tennessee. It's a simultaneously exciting and sad thing. It's great he gets to go. This time he's going to be a scholar, which means that the faculty thinks he's pretty good.

However, it also means that I will be without him for two whole weeks. I know that a lot of people have to go much longer without seeing their spouse but Arna and I have never liked being apart. I like to hang out with him. He's my best friend. I like to just look at him. It's not creepy if you're married...I swear.

I do have my first baby shower to look foward to though. My mom is hosting it for me and I'll get to see some old friends and open presents! I'm going to stay for a few days and then come back to Iowa with my little sister in tow to keep me company. I'm not quite sure how we'll stay busy. Especially if this heat doesn't let up some.

I've been saving up episodes of Cupcake Wars on our DVR. I have two books to finish: The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding and The Husband Coached Birth. (Real page turners) I've also planned to go to the grocery store almost every day in hopes of passing the time.

My friend Lyndsey will be here to help my mopey butt along and work is having a baby shower type thing for me on Thursday the 28th.  Hopefully, all of these things will help me not lose my mind - but we'll see. I'm sure my blog posts will be a good indiciation of how I'm handling things!

1 comment:

  1. I'm here for you!! And continue to save those Cupcake War episodes! I want to watch one!

    P.s. Spotlight Movie is a must! We'll keep you busy and Arna will be back in no time!
