Saturday, July 9, 2011

Our History

Arna and I have known each other for a very long time. He and I have often told the story of how we met but I thought that for our anniversary (which is tomorrow) I'd dedicate a post to the story of us and how we came to meet and be together.

Let me take you back to August 9, 2002. After several conversations online via AIM, I decided I had to meet this Arna character that all of my (girl) friends talked about. Several of whom, he had dated and were now soured toward him in general. I invited him to meet at a local park on the swingsets. He got his older brother to drop him off and I walked with my friend Sarah to the park from my house.

I remember seeing him sitting on the bench just behind the swings. I noticed him from a distance because he was dressed completely in red and had curly red hair. It was not as I had pictured him. This Casanova (as he had been described by my friends) seemed pretty normal. I was still too nervous to say anything, and so I saw on the swings and said nothing to him until he came up to me and introduced himself.

Here is a little excerpt from a journal entry made that night (please bare in mind, I was 14):

"We watched movies, played board games (yes board games) and kinda played basketball, (I cheat)...

So I'm sorry, but so far i have to say that Arna's pretty cool... cept for his hair.. no I'm just joking!
I know that I'm going to get yelled at for hanging out with him, but so far, all I've seen of him is his good side...well now I know I'm in for a "talk" from the people who don't like him .... but oh well!!!!!!!!!"

That night when he went home he asked me to be his (on AIM) to which I replied, "I think we should get to know eachother better." And he promptly asked out another girl. I think her name was Maddie and the comedy/drama/romance that would be our relationship was born.

Here is another excerpt from that same journal of a love poem that I wrote about him. One of many. Again, please be kind as I was shameless (and 14):

did you know
that with a twist of your finger
the world stops turning
I'm frozen in time
completely and totally emersed in your being
just the way you are
rocks my atmosphere
so profound
and wise
yet childish
and full of pure joy
with a laughter that explodes into bubbles of radiance
warming me from the inside out
you are amazing
did you know that with every breath you take
I fall more in love with you?
that as you do nothing more
but stand there
I am captivated by just how beautiful you really are
it never ceases to blow me away
and shake me from my niche
to see you
to be with you
it's all so complicated
but you make it simple
and the simplicity is...
I simply love you

And then things kind of settled down when high school started. I had other boyfriends and Arna had (many) other girlfriends and he went off to college a semester early. We kept in touch through facebook and the occassional phone call. Then one visit home we went to the same party and I was instantly drawn to him again. Here are some photos from that night that he took:

(charming as always)

And finally...I agreed to smile for a few pictures with him.

The summer before my junior year of college is when he and I finally got together and tried to have a real relationship. He drove seven hours each way to see me when we were both still in college and came every weekend. Here are some photos from those first few months of dating in earnest:

My sorority's Halloween dance

My sorority's winter formal

Our first vacation together to watch KU play in the Insight Bowl that December.

This was taken at my apartment complex the Spring after Arna moved to where I was going to college so that we could be together.

A little less than a year after dating we moved in to this house together.

Arna's college graduation.

Our first 4th of July together. I quickly learned how seriously Arna takes this holiday.

Our second vacation together in New York City.

Shortly after returning. Arna proposed to me.  Here is the note that I posted about it on Facebook announcing the big news to all of our friends:

"Hello All!

Arna popped the question on August 14 and it was wonderful and romantic just like him. Seven years ago, we met in a park; and so it was very fitting that he proposed in a park near our home in Pittsburg, KS.

We're planning a July 10, 2010 wedding at the KU ballroom, and a reception at Abe & Jake's Landing.

I had to wait two long days to post all about it on facebook, so that I would be able to have a ring ceremony in my sorority. I'm so happy!

Words cannot describe how happy he makes me. I feel like I've been given the world."

One of our engagement pictures.

Our friends hosted a costume party to celebrate our engagement right before Halloween.

My college graduation.

Immediately following my graduation we moved to Iowa to set up house. I realize that I need to take more pictures of our house because the only one I can seem to find is this one...which is primarily of the crazy amounts of snow that fall in the winter.

We celebrated another 4th of July together right before our wedding.

On July 10, 2010 the lovely day arrived!

Another Halloween together.

And our first turkey as we celebrated Thanksgiving together as a married couple.

Six months after being married we learned that were going to become a family! It was a very intense moment. I cried,I laughed, I hyperventilated and Arna promptly went to the store and bought several more boxes of tests to confirm the results.

And now here we are. One year of marriage and I am still so very much in love with him. Nine years after we first met and he is still my best friend. I think it's incredible that we have shared so many milestones together. I cannot believe how lucky I am to have him and how lucky we are to have our daughter on the way shortly.

I love to imagine all of the seasons that we have experienced together with our daughter by our side. Roasting in the summer heat, going to the orchard in the fall, trudging through the snow in the winter and watching the world turn green in the spring.

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