Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Already an Attitude

I know it sounds silly, but I can already tell that my daughter has an attitude. Or, I suppose, to be more accurate - she has her mother's attitude. Arna might describe it as fussy or OCD but I prefer to think of it as particular. I know how I like things and I like things to be that way.

My preference for things to be a particular way has been evident in conversations we have had such as: where things go in the kitchen and whether or not underwear needs folded.

I feel like my daughter has inherited this trait for a number of reasons.

1) If I am lying on a side that she doesn't like, she will push out HARD. I mean, difficult to breathe, feels like you're going to mess your pants hard. Until I relent and roll over.

2) If her father is talking, she likes to be near his voice. She will stretch my abdomen to its limits until she has reached her desired position - closest to his voice. My stomach will contort into a shockingly severe oblong shape unless I again, cave in and move closer to him, or he lowers his head to speak directly to her.

And then there was tonight. A moment which truly warmed my heart and confirmed my suspicions that our little girl will be particular.

Arna and I were on the couch watching Mad Men. I was seated at one end of the couch, slouched down so that Arna could lay on his side with his head rested between the curve of my underarm and the crest of my stomach. He was talking to us about the different places we might live after he is done with his MFA and she started pushing against his cheek.

He re-situated his head and again, she moved to push against him as if to say, "Hey! You're encroaching on my space, Dad!" He laughed and said to her, "Are you going to be ornery?" And in response, she kicked with monumental strength, striking just in front of his face and causing the rest of my abdomen to quake and roll in its aftermath.

We both laughed hysterically and then one of us said, "Well, I think we have our answer!"

Gracie managed to insert herself into this week's belly picture. Only 11 more weeks to go!

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