Sunday, August 21, 2011

This is Where I Complain

This is where I complain...

Being pregnant sucks. At least it does right now. My feet constantly throb like I've been standing on them for hours and hours at a time. They also no longer fit into most of my shoes, leaving me to scrape by with two pairs of flip flops.  Both of which are falling apart.

My ankles, my knees, my hips, my tailbone... all ache. Not to mention: I cannot breathe. This precious little gift is squeezing my lungs to the point that they can no longer fully expand and yet - I'm supposed to keep exercising. This is a cruel existence.

If I lay on my back, it feels like my abdomen is being run over by a car. If I lay on my side, I feel like I'm suffocating and I get a charlie horse in whichever unlucky hip is suffering the load of my weight.

And then there's the charming little phenomenon of her kicks or head butts (I'm not sure which way she's orientated) that assault my bladder and make peeing my pants a very real possibility if I do not find a restroom promptly.

My t-shirts keep creeping up on me. I still have nine weeks to go! How am I supposed to keep this belly covered if it's already outgrowing everything? I don't understand...She's only supposed to be about four pounds now, maybe 18 inches long and yet - I look like I've swallowed a giant beach ball. How much bigger can this belly get? Not to mention - it's heavy. I've heard some women say they get used to it but I haven't. It feels heavy all of the time.

Ok, I'm done complaining now. I promise.

On to the current events of our household! Arna is back to school to finish up his MFA. We went to a barbecue yesterday to meet all of the first year students and catch up with the second years. I love meeting new people and the workshop certainly attracts an eclectic group of individuals. I broke out the fancy checker cake pan that we received as a wedding present and tried it out for the first time to bring as a dessert:

I forgot to take a picture of it before the barbecue. It was decorated with pink icing and strawberries. This is what was left.

Also this week I've been working on trying to get the finishing touches done on the nursery. Even though the baby will be sleeping in our room for the first few months, I want to get it all done now. I'm sure I won't have the energy once she has arrived. Heck, I hardly have the energy now! But that's complaining, isn't it? Moving on...

The first thing I did was finish up the portrait of Arna and I that I've been working on for awhile now. The fact that he has black glasses and I have blond hair should give you an indication of just how long it's been a work in progress.

Arna's eyes were really hard to do. I think I spent so much time on them that I failed to notice until now that I've neglected to give myself much of a jawline. I guess it's not done after all.

Anyway, I also found this really sweet painting at an antique shop of a mother and child on a river bank:

I hung it on the wall above her changing table. I think that's a spot where some beauty and tranquility will be much appreciated.

I am going to do some art with her name and maybe finish up another painting I started a long time ago of a child being pulled in a wagon by an elephant.  Paintings take forever though - so it might not be a realistic endeavor.

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