Thursday, August 25, 2011

Nursing Knowledge

Now that I am no longer working I've had a chance to read the books that I've had accumulating on my nightstand for awhile. Since I'm all pregnant  those books mostly consist of pregnancy and child related materials. I've gotten about halfway through The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding which is honestly about 90% farther into it than I'd realistically expected of myself. I certainly didn't think I'd read it cover to cover but I'm really getting into it. I know so much about breastfeeding now. Seriously, just ask me a question. I bet I know the answer. I also know the "sandwich" technique. But unless you are a soon to be lactating woman - I doubt you want me to go into that.

All jokes aside, reading about nursing has me excited. I feel like I'm wonder woman. Or maybe more accurately, like I'm waiting to be wonder woman. Unless something unforeseen occurs, I will be able to sustain my child just by being a woman. That's pretty empowering. I can see myself turning to Arna at 2am when the little girl is shouting for food, and proclaiming with pride,"I am woman, see me nourish!"

I'm not ruling out the possibility that it will be totally weird. I will be the equivalent of an ice cream truck in my baby's eyes. A concept which would send anybody's self-esteem for a whirl but I'm hoping to embrace it along with the other graces of motherhood that I am anticipating such as: messier hair, less eye make up (possibly none?) and a hopefully temporary, but nonetheless embarrassing saggy tummy.

The book also mentions all of the powerful bonding and emotional connections involved with breastfeeding. That's the kind of attachment I want with my daughter. I know not every mother is lucky enough to have breastfeeding be this kind of experience, but I'm really hoping that by sucking up (maybe one more joke) every drop of knowledge I can before my chest is put to the test that I'll be successful.

How I like to think it will be:

How it will probably be:

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