Sunday, August 28, 2011

Baby Shower #3

Yesterday, my friends Quinn and Allison hosted a baby shower for me. We went to a place called the Home Ec Workshop. Quinn and Allison bought several white onesies in sizes 12-18months and we used the fabric swatches and materials available at the workshop to decorate them.

I cannot begin to describe how much fun it was. There were fabrics with all sorts of great patterns: cats, flowers, squids, elephants, etc. The process was fairly simple. You created a design out of the iron-on fabric, ironed it into place and then sewed it for reinforcement (or in my case, asked someone else to sew for you). I can sew, but I haven't in over a year and I didn't want to mess it up.

The onesies created by all of my friends are beautiful pieces of art. Here is a picture of them all lined up:

See what I mean? Aren't they incredible? What you can't see are little stitched on details. The threads are all different colors and the onesie in the stop row with the green and pink bird has long, yellow stitched legs.

Here is a closeup of one of the ones I made:

All of the decorations are from different pieces of fabric. That's one of the aforementioned squids swimming over a sunflower.

After we finished crafting our hearts out, we went to a local place called Graze for a late lunch/early dinner.  The concept of the restaurant is to order a bunch of sides, appetizers and main dishes to share with everyone. We were a party of nine people, so there was a lot of food. The only hiccup we ran into was our waiter seemed to be either very relaxed or somehow chemically sedated. He was barely conscious. Luckily, someone else must have noticed because he disappeared and was replaced with a sober young woman.

The food was pretty great. We had pesto pasta, macaroni and cheese, sliders, garlic bread, spinach dip, crab dip, green beans, sushi (I couldn't eat any of that) and still more that I think I am forgetting. After we'd satisfied our savory cravings, it was time for dessert. A piece of oreo cheesecake was gifted to us by the restaurant (as a way of making amends I think) along with the chocolate fondue we had ordered. It came with strawberries and white chocolate macadamia nut cookies (which were amazing) as well as some pineapple (which did not taste good with the chocolate).

I was a very happy pregnant lady at the end of the day. It was a lot of fun to spend time together with so many women I know at one time and I cannot wait until the little girl is big enough to fit into the onesies! I'll take a picture of her in each one.

1 comment:

  1. Those onesies are really freaking cute! What an awesome idea! I didn't realize there was a place in town that did that sort of thing! Baby H is going to be one stylish baby!

    Sorry I couldn't make it, pretty lady! I feel like a failure as a friend! We'll just have to catch a movie or have some sort of date night to make up for it!
