Friday, January 20, 2012

Tres Meses!

Our sweet, sweet baby girl has turned three months old. This is hard to comprehend. On one hand, it feels like we just brought her home from the hospital; on the other, it feels like she's been here for years.

Arna has gone back to the grindstone of classes and teaching, so most days it's just Bluma and I. We have gotten into a pretty good schedule. Even though, most days it involves being awake by 6am it also means that she's in bed by 9pm. Most nights she's asleep for 8-9 consecutive hours. This might soon change as she's outgrown her newborn napper and will have to transition to her bassinet. Keep us in your thoughts and send us good "sleepy baby" vibes :-)

She has grown so much, which is to be expected. Here's a comparison for you:

She is now in size 6-9mo clothing and weighs about 14 or 15lbs. She holds her head up very well and looks all around. She can sit up if you support her sides or hold her hands. One of her favorite playtime positions is me on the floor, with her sitting on my stomach while we talk together and sing songs.

Blowing raspberries is a skill of her's still in the developmental stages. She loves kissing attacks, where I nuzzle her cheek and make "kissy" noises. Every day when her daddy comes home, she greets him with a dimpled, drooly smile and my oh my, her smile is to die for...

I feel like I am transitioning very well into my role as a mother. At the beginning it felt more like I had tripped and fallen into it; questioning everything I did. Now, I'm more comfortable and relaxed. I not only feel like I'm doing a good job, but I love it. Everyday with her is a treasure and I feel like we're communicating on a deep level. It's very rewarding and makes my heart break with love and joy.

The weather here in Iowa has finally turned to winter. It currently feels like -15 degrees outside and snow is steadily falling. It looks like freshly sifted powdered sugar floating down from the sky.

It's beautiful, but I need to get out of the house! I haven't stepped outside since Sunday, except to drive Arna to campus and home one day when our Camry couldn't handle the ice. Arna came home early from work today so that I could try to get out but the frigid temperatures and swiftly accumulating snow have me holed up in the living room once again. Oh well, a nice chance to blog at least!

I'm craving Spring. I cannot wait to take my daughter outside and introduce her to nature. Maybe by her six month birthday, it'll be warm enough :-)

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