Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Summer time

I wish I could say that we've been enjoying our summer but the truth is, we've been cooped up inside for most if it. The record highs coupled with the disgusting Iowa humidity has made it impossible for us to do much. There was a brief reprieve a few days ago during which we were able to take Bluma to the park and on a walk for the first time here in months. However, the weather took a turn back toward scorching shortly thereafter and yet again, it's been several days since we have been able to do anything outside of the house. For Arna and I's two year anniversary, we went to Red Wing, MN. We had been once for our friends' wedding last year and always said we wanted to go back and spend a little time in that adorable town. We did everything that there was to do, which didn't take too long, and had a wonderful time. If you're ever up that way, you must stop by the Hanisch Bakery. It's amazing. To try to entertain myself I have returned to scrapbooking after a two year hiatus. I've been getting a page or so done a day while Bluma naps. I'm no pro, but I enjoy it. I've had a habit of keeping little odds and ends from events or notes from Arna and it's made for a sweet collection. There are love notes and poems and ticket stubs from the very the very beginning of our relationship. I think Bluma will enjoy seeing these things once she's older. I'm looking forward to doing her pages too, but for those I'll actually have to get some photos printed off. We don't have any loose pictures of her. It's all digital or already in a frame. Speaking of the Blumster: she's doing fabulously. The last week she has gotten into a habit of falling back asleep after her morning feeding until almost 10am. It's made for one well rested momma. Today, however, I woke up at 6am and felt like I'd slept enough for awhile. I never thought I'd be saying that! We've been dealing with an issue in public lately. I know that people just love rolly poley babies, but it's one thing to talk to her and a whole other (NOT OK) thing to come up and touch her or try to pick her up. Who does that? And who's raised to think it's socially acceptable? I know most of them are well meaning so I try to be kind about it but after the second or third person comes up and squeezes her legs or grabs her hand while we're at the grocery, I've reached my limit and so has she. One time I was changing her in a restaurant bathroom and when I looked up from wiping her a woman was cooing and gooing at her and stroking her hair. She gave off a sweet grandma vibe but SERIOUSLY?? Touching somebody's baby in a bathroom? I was not pleased. Luckily, she's taken to crying as soon as a stranger puts forth an open hand in her direction. That usually stops them. In other Bluma news, she has been working on crawling. She has done it once and thought it was the worst thing I've ever expected of her. She has since began throwing a fit if she's left to her own devices when she wants to get a toy that's not near, or if I don't immediately respond to her whines. My quick reaction time is probably one of the reasons why she's a little slow on the crawling developments. I'm trying to intervene less often and give her time to learn to be self sufficient. It's hard though, she has done thorough experimentation with her cries and can sound extremely desperate/pitiful whenever she wants. Take care everybody!

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