Monday, November 26, 2012


I have not looked into at what age a tiny human usually begins showing love towards others. The parent in me chooses to believe that Bluma's ability and desire to be affectionate makes her an emotional genius.

She loves to hug. She throws her arms tightly around Arna or I and rests her head. Even furry friends like our cat, and anyone else's cat for that matter, are targets of Bluma's bear hugs. Dogs however, she is weary of. We're working on that.

Sometimes she'll attempt to give kisses which are incredibly sweet despite them being open-mouthed. She pats and pets with gentle little hands. Occasionally, she will find our bare feet, bring them together, and set her face on them, nestling her nose between them. Her touches are heavenly. My heart feels so loved.

This afternoon while sitting with Bluma, rocking in preparation for a nap she began fussing and pawing at my head. I honestly thought she was trying to get something off of me, I guess I already trust her. I leaned my head forward and she grabbed my ears, pulling my chin further down and toward her. Then, her strong little arms encircled my neck and she burrowed her head between my chin and shoulder. Her lips rested on my collarbone and she exhaled softly; and her body relaxed. She just wanted to be held closer.

I swear, she is the most loving baby to ever exist. Though, she has also bitten me, so, it's not all perfect moments. She has a degree of ferocious inside of her, and I'm glad for it.

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