Thursday, September 15, 2011

Love in the Time of Contractions

Everyday is one day closer to the unknown date of the arrival of our daughter! It's strange to have a countdown to a due date that probably means nothing. For what it's worth, we're down to 38 days if I can add correctly - which is assuming a lot these days. During a recent game of Scrabble with my friend Quinn, I attempted do some sort of hybrid of addition and subtraction when trying to calculate my score.

I require supervision for basic mathematical operations.

This week, I've started having some intermittent contractions. The Mayo Clinic's Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy states that contractions for first time moms can begin as early as 33 weeks. They don't mean anything as long as they don't form a pattern or increase in intensity. I was having enough a few days ago to go ahead and start recording and timing them. I had seven over the course of several hours and then they went away.

I've had to start taking it much easier lately. Bending over gives me a contraction and with enough luck, I might be able to convince Arna that doing dishes gives me contractions as well :-)

Speaking of Arna, I'm not sure if it is a natural part of the evolutionary process of preparing for a baby, but lately my love for him has been astronomical. That is not to say that I go most days only feeling lukewarm for him but I thought that I knew what it was like to love him on our wedding day. Lately, it has been much stronger.

I think about him and get weepy. I love watching him just exist. I even enjoy watching him play a video game! An admission I mistakenly revealed to him a few days ago - cue hours of Madden Football.

I feel so lucky. I'm so happy. Excuse me while I go cry a little more, like the pregnant sentimentalist that I am :-)

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