Monday, September 26, 2011

Top Five Things About Being Pregnant

When I was younger, I would speculate about what it would feel like to be pregnant. I knew I wanted to experience it at least once. I have to keep reminding myself that this is it - and it's almost over. This is what wanted to experience and I shouldn't take it for granted that I'll get to do it again someday.

That being said, it's hard to stay so appreciative of the miracle of growing a human when you're bombarded with the discomforts of it. Lately, going into labor and finally meeting our daughter is all that I think about every single second of the day. It's not helping the time to pass quickly. So, I thought I'd list my top five things that I've enjoyed about being pregnant as a way to perk me up:

1) Eating - Since informing other people that I was pregnant, the world is my buffet. I'm allowed to eat whenever and wherever I want. I am entitled to second helpings and no one even blinks an eye. I'm allowed to complain about my stomach growling and cravings are not merely an indulgence but a neccesity. I can honestly say that I will miss that.

2) Courtesy - In general, the world treats a pregnant woman differently than normal. I get doors opened for me and chairs offered and if I feel tired, no one thinks it's rude for me to leave an event early. It's even forgiveable for me to fart in public...not that I ever have.

3) Presents - This pregnancy has been filled with random gift-giving and even though none of it is technically for me, it's still exciting to surprised with a present.

4) Massages - I have been the recipient of many foot and back rubs during this pregnancy, and it has been fabulous.

5) Kicks - Like any woman who has ever been pregnant, I will miss feeling her movements. Even though they often hurt and can sometimes cause me to speed waddle to the bathroom, I still enjoy them and I feel a little bond with her each time.

I think the best part of this pregnancy is one that won't fade away postpartum and that is how it has changed the relationship between Arna and I. It has been a tremendous bonding experience. Our communication skills and patience have been tested and we've ended up stronger and better because of it. I believe we love each other more. It's amazing to go through a pregnancy with someone, to wonder at all of the little milestones and events together. I don't think anything could be quite like it.

1 comment:

  1. you also getta take off your shirt on warm days while playing games with friends. :)
