Sunday, October 2, 2011


This past week has definitely been a hard one. I have been having frequent contractions. The hospital that we're using follows the 5-1-2 method.

Contractions are 5 minutes apart

Last for 1 minute

and you've had them at that frequency for at least 2 hours

Yesterday, I had 15 contractions in two hours. It sounds like a lot but then I remind myself that when I'm in actual labor, I'll have twice as many in that time frame.

I walk a lot to try and encourage her to make her appearance. Now that I'm technically full term, I don't know how I can wait another three full weeks. At my last doctor's appointment, my doctor said that he didn't think I would make it to my due date. He may have just been trying to be nice. He kept dropping little jokes like, "See you next week...maybe!" and "Having a baby would be a nice birthday present, don't you think?"

My birthday is coming up next weekend. I will be 24 on the eighth. I want to have her soon, but I'd like for her wait until after my birthday because my present is to get my hair done and a pedicure. Who knows when I'll be able to do that again after she's born.

In other news, I'm HUGE

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