Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Five Months

Bluma is now five months old. October does not seem like that it is that far in our past. Our daughter is thriving. She still hates tummy time, but is getting much better at it. She can play with toys while she is on her stomach now. She will still only tolerate it for about five minutes, but that's a vast improvement.

We went to visit our families in Kansas and while we were gone, spring arrived! To help usher in the brighter season, I rearranged our living room and did some deep cleaning. Our house is so small, and it is quickly filling up with baby accessories. I think the new layout will help some, but where do people put all of these things?

A big milestone that Bluma has reached is she can now sit in a high chair. This makes mealtimes much more relaxed for us. She "chews" while she watches us eat and I have to be careful about how close to food she gets because she will grab at it.

...and Bluma's patience for my blogging has run out! Here's her five month picture:

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