Sunday, April 15, 2012

Storms & Sniffles

We had two firsts this weekend: Bluma's first tornado warning and first cold.

The storm was last night. We'd been watching the weather all day and knew it was supposed to get bad. We were watching a movie and Bluma was snoozing in her crib when we heard the sirens go. I grabbed Bluma and the diaper bag and Arna grabbed his computer and some pillows and we headed downstairs.

Luckily, we have a pretty cozy set up with a futon made up as a bed. We kept the lights low and I snuggled with Bluma. I thought she'd be scared but more than anything she seemed delighted at the impromptu party with mom and dad. She cooed and wiggled around. The storm passed without incident and we all went to bed.

This morning, I woke up feeling awful. The past few days I'd been congested but I assumed it was allergies. I now know it's a bug. Unfortunately, Bluma has it too. The poor baby has been very sad. She constantly wants to be on me and if she's awake she's most likely crying. I imagine that with how crappy I feel, she must be even more miserable. Your first cold must be terrifying. She's learned to breathe through her nose already just from the snot today. I hope it passes soon.

Other than the cold though, she's doing fabulously. This includes saying "Dada." It makes Arna melt. Our sweet baby girl continues to amaze us everyday.

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